Next Board Meeting
Board meetings for the year will be held on 12 March, 2 April, 7 May, 11 June, 9 July, 13 August, 10 September, 15 October, 12 November and 10 December at 6:30pm at Lake Rototi School.
Board of trustees
See the below information sheet for a brief outline of what the Board of Trustees is and what they are focused on.
Elections were last held in May/June 2022. The following people make up the Board:
Frith Dollimore (Chair)
Paul Dulieu
Simon Thomas
Alistair Nicholls
Daryl McCrostie
Mike Allen (Principal)
Miriam Gebhard (Staff Elect)
Members of the public are more than welcome to attend meetings, but are observers only and may not contribute to discussion or decision-making processes.
Policies and Procedures are the Board Approved documents which enable the running of the school to take place. Copies of all documents are available for parents and members of the public to view - copies are available on request.
Lake Rotoiti uses School Docs for all of our policies. Please go to More/School Policies for the link.
Frith Dollimore (Chair)
Paul Dulieu
Simon Thomas
Alistair Nicholls
Daryl McCrostie
Mike Allen (Principal)
Miriam Gebhard (Staff Elect)
Members of the public are more than welcome to attend meetings, but are observers only and may not contribute to discussion or decision-making processes.
Policies and Procedures are the Board Approved documents which enable the running of the school to take place. Copies of all documents are available for parents and members of the public to view - copies are available on request.
Lake Rotoiti uses School Docs for all of our policies. Please go to More/School Policies for the link.
Annual Report
All state schools are required to submit their audited Annual Reports to the Ministry of Education and the Auditor General . Lake Rotoiti School's current Annual Report is available at the office for viewing.
ERO Reports
School Charter
Annual Plan
Board minutes
All Board minutes are available to the community and can be accessed below. In addition, minutes are held as a paper copy in the office.
Historical minutes are held in the school office. Please drop in if you wish to read them.