What is KEA all about?
Kea is a parent fundraising organization that stands independently from the school but exists to raise money to support the school in the education of our children. Our mission statement reads " ... to generate and manage financial resources for the purpose of facilitating the academic, cultural and outdoor education of those attending Lake Rotoiti School. "
Over the years different fundraising ideas have been discussed and tried (and are still welcome) but it is our catering that seems to withstand the test of time and generate the bulk of our income. We run a very successful food tent at the community’s two large boating events, Classic Boats and Power Boats, which usually occur over summer and occasionally cater for group events in the village.
There have been times when Kea has joined with other local groups for larger community projects such as buying a heart defibrillator and medical equipment for the fire force. In the same community spirit those groups often support Kea, as do non-parents, when we need extra people to organize or help out at an event and for a project, such as the School Pool upgrade and buying the School Library Building, that benefits the wider community. We are very lucky!!!
On average we raise around $15 000 a year which may not seen a lot compared to larger schools in larger communities but for our size we are doing great. The distribution of our income is decided at our AGM to which all parents are encouraged to attend and have their say. During the AGM we elect a President, Secretary and Treasurer for the year, thank those departing, discuss possible events as well as discuss the Teaching and School wish list for spending options. We may have other meetings during the year if needed to discuss events and spending and it is hoped that one member from each family will attend these. Every now and then we are also independently audited to make sure everything stays according to our principals and above board.
What is KEA all about?
Kea is a parent fundraising organization that stands independently from the school but exists to raise money to support the school in the education of our children. Our mission statement reads " ... to generate and manage financial resources for the purpose of facilitating the academic, cultural and outdoor education of those attending Lake Rotoiti School. "
Over the years different fundraising ideas have been discussed and tried (and are still welcome) but it is our catering that seems to withstand the test of time and generate the bulk of our income. We run a very successful food tent at the community’s two large boating events, Classic Boats and Power Boats, which usually occur over summer and occasionally cater for group events in the village.
There have been times when Kea has joined with other local groups for larger community projects such as buying a heart defibrillator and medical equipment for the fire force. In the same community spirit those groups often support Kea, as do non-parents, when we need extra people to organize or help out at an event and for a project, such as the School Pool upgrade and buying the School Library Building, that benefits the wider community. We are very lucky!!!
On average we raise around $15 000 a year which may not seen a lot compared to larger schools in larger communities but for our size we are doing great. The distribution of our income is decided at our AGM to which all parents are encouraged to attend and have their say. During the AGM we elect a President, Secretary and Treasurer for the year, thank those departing, discuss possible events as well as discuss the Teaching and School wish list for spending options. We may have other meetings during the year if needed to discuss events and spending and it is hoped that one member from each family will attend these. Every now and then we are also independently audited to make sure everything stays according to our principals and above board.

The Benefits
Because we fundraise so well there are no school fees at Lake Rotoiti School. Ministry of Education funding doesn't stretch as far as paying for everything our teachers need for the classrooms so Kea provides the shortfall. We also pay for the yearly School Camp; the senior trip to Wellington; class and school trips; a huge part towards school skiing costs; books for the Library and other requests from teachers or the Board of Trustees. For us as parents this means no bills for school camp, seriously reduced costs for skiing as well as no yearly general fees. So although there are some weekends where the effort of helping can seem daunting when you look at money saved verses time spent it is well worth it!
Because we fundraise so well there are no school fees at Lake Rotoiti School. Ministry of Education funding doesn't stretch as far as paying for everything our teachers need for the classrooms so Kea provides the shortfall. We also pay for the yearly School Camp; the senior trip to Wellington; class and school trips; a huge part towards school skiing costs; books for the Library and other requests from teachers or the Board of Trustees. For us as parents this means no bills for school camp, seriously reduced costs for skiing as well as no yearly general fees. So although there are some weekends where the effort of helping can seem daunting when you look at money saved verses time spent it is well worth it!

Kea needs ALL parents
Because we have a very small pool of parents to draw from it helps if all families pitch in for each event. The large weekends of Power Boats, Classic Boats and The Lakes Festival bring in the most money and require great effort. An organizing group will get together to arrange food orders, the tent etc and put together a roster to staff the tent. This group works best with two to three couples working together to share the load, as there is a lot of behind the scenes organizing to do before and after the events. Everyone else will be asked to cover 1 to 2 shifts (depending on school size at the time) as well as baking and picking up/ dropping off items from town either side of the weekend. Catering weekends are usually run by 2 to 3 people who will do the behind the scenes organizing and contact other parents to arrange shifts in the kitchen. There are daytime prep shifts as well as evening shifts and the effort needed depends on numbers catered for and number of meals needed. An entire weekend is pretty full on and requires each family to do 2 shifts, one or two meals are much more relaxed. At home baking and picking up food orders from town is also needed. It is understood that some families with young children or who work weekends may have trouble covering shifts but there is always lots to do from home, including looking after kids for those in the tent, so in the end it seems to work out fairly for most. Two things to note: First, we need mums and dads for this, not just mums: and secondly, we do have a lot of fun together as well as work and often get a taste of the delicious food, mmmmm.
Because we have a very small pool of parents to draw from it helps if all families pitch in for each event. The large weekends of Power Boats, Classic Boats and The Lakes Festival bring in the most money and require great effort. An organizing group will get together to arrange food orders, the tent etc and put together a roster to staff the tent. This group works best with two to three couples working together to share the load, as there is a lot of behind the scenes organizing to do before and after the events. Everyone else will be asked to cover 1 to 2 shifts (depending on school size at the time) as well as baking and picking up/ dropping off items from town either side of the weekend. Catering weekends are usually run by 2 to 3 people who will do the behind the scenes organizing and contact other parents to arrange shifts in the kitchen. There are daytime prep shifts as well as evening shifts and the effort needed depends on numbers catered for and number of meals needed. An entire weekend is pretty full on and requires each family to do 2 shifts, one or two meals are much more relaxed. At home baking and picking up food orders from town is also needed. It is understood that some families with young children or who work weekends may have trouble covering shifts but there is always lots to do from home, including looking after kids for those in the tent, so in the end it seems to work out fairly for most. Two things to note: First, we need mums and dads for this, not just mums: and secondly, we do have a lot of fun together as well as work and often get a taste of the delicious food, mmmmm.

So if you have any catering or organizing experience (or are simply happy to take this role on and learn, we will place you with someone who knows the drill) then please let the Kea President know. We will ask for organizational volunteers before each event and in all honesty these are the hardest roles to fill. They do take a bit of work but it's rewarding, needed, and once you have done it once it is easier next time as we tend to stick to what works. This is true also for our committee roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary. Anyone who is keen can apply at the AGM but financial experience for the Treasurer is welcome!!!
So, welcome to the school, and to our parent community KEA. Please feel free to contact our committee members with concerns or ideas at any time.
It can be hard work but our school benefits, our kid’s benefit, our wallets benefit and we promise ... WE DO HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!
So, welcome to the school, and to our parent community KEA. Please feel free to contact our committee members with concerns or ideas at any time.
It can be hard work but our school benefits, our kid’s benefit, our wallets benefit and we promise ... WE DO HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!