Thanks to the time and effort of Frith Dollimore, we were granted funding from MPI for 320 native plants as part of the One Billion Trees Project. With the plants delivered to school - thank you again Frith - the next step was of course a planting party.
It's not often you see kids arriving at school in gumboots and with shovels (ok, we see gumboots fairly often here but the shovels were new) but this is exactly what happened yesterday. The call had also gone out to the parents and community for help and they turned up, shovels in hand, ready to work.
I wish I could say it was a sunny day but no, as we watched the weather during the day it rained, drizzled, stopped and then rained again. We could only cross our fingers that when we actually got out there for planting it would ease, and it did...mostly.
With so many hands we made quick (if muddy) work out of digging the holes (this was helped by John with his post hole digger), dropping in fertiliser pellets, planting the plants and then adding guards and stakes.
Alison was hard at work manning the BBQ and it was great to have a hot sausage sizzle after the hard work was done.
Thank you everyone for your hard work, the area by the pool is going to look truly amazing once the plants have grown some and it's looking pretty good now.
It's not often you see kids arriving at school in gumboots and with shovels (ok, we see gumboots fairly often here but the shovels were new) but this is exactly what happened yesterday. The call had also gone out to the parents and community for help and they turned up, shovels in hand, ready to work.
I wish I could say it was a sunny day but no, as we watched the weather during the day it rained, drizzled, stopped and then rained again. We could only cross our fingers that when we actually got out there for planting it would ease, and it did...mostly.
With so many hands we made quick (if muddy) work out of digging the holes (this was helped by John with his post hole digger), dropping in fertiliser pellets, planting the plants and then adding guards and stakes.
Alison was hard at work manning the BBQ and it was great to have a hot sausage sizzle after the hard work was done.
Thank you everyone for your hard work, the area by the pool is going to look truly amazing once the plants have grown some and it's looking pretty good now.